You’re Aging, Embrace It, It’s Great!
You don’t stop laughing when you grow old, you grow old when you stop laughing.” – George Bernard Shaw
There is something magical about the age 16 or 21, most people look forward to those milestones in their life, but you seldom hear someone say, “I can’t wait until I’m 67 or 72.”
Maybe it’s because those younger milestones have the promise of exciting things you can now do, but the older years are more associated with aching bones, hair loss or memory loss.
If that’s how you view your senior years, you’re going to be missing out on some of the best years of your life…rather than dread growing older, embrace becoming a “QueenAger or a KingAger“, there’s still a lot in life you have to look forward to!
What’s so great about aging?
Sure, not everything about getting older is great, but there is so much that is:
- Research has found that most people are happier later in life…maybe it’s because you gain a better perspective on life…what’s important and what’s not as important as you once thought.
- If you’re tired of working, you can retire, but you don’t have to…in fact, you could start that business you have always dreamed of…Colonel Sanders was 65 years old when he founded Kentucky Fried Chicken, in fact, he used his first Social Security check to get him started.
- Seniors get discounts on services and products, now that’s something to look forward to. If you don’t see a discount posted, just ask.
You can devote time enjoying grandchildren and making a difference in their lives. Bonus: you can have fun with them, get them tired, get them dirty, spoil them and send them home.
- Seniors have been reported as having less stress in their lives; as with being happier, it may be because of a better perspective on life. Additionally as you coped with stress when you were younger, you have probably learned how to cope with it better.
- You have accumulated a lifetime of wisdom from all of the experiences you have had, and with that wisdom, your sense of judgement has improved.
- If you have retired, you have more time on your hands to do the things you have always wanted to…learn a new skill, travel, spend more time with family and friends or provide service for a worthy cause.
- You now have the time to become involved in the community, either politically or in some other way.
- You’re more satisfied in life…you have gone through the stages of wanting and accumulating and competing with the neighbors, now you can relax and enjoy what you have, especially the relationships.
- For years you spent time and energy raising, teaching and worrying about your children. Now they are grown and living their own lives and they can now become your friends.
- You can still set goals, and learn and grow.
- You will appreciate yourself more, and stop worrying about what others think of you.
You can choose to enjoy your senior years…
Attitude plays a huge part in how you view life. A good thing to do to recognize the things that make your life great is to make a list of at least 10 things that you love about your life and focus and build on those rather than worrying about the bad.
We are Certified Senior Move Managers recognized by our National Association of Senior Move Managers, NASMM! We are committed to serving our seniors with a high standard of ethics, best business practices and continuing education to help make whatever transition they are going through a Smooth Transition.
Contact us to learn how we can help you and/or your family cope with a senior downsizing anywhere in the Phoenix East Valley area…we offer a Free consultation.
We would love to serve you. 480-339-0011
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