Sure, it’s inevitable that as we age, we have a tendency to slow down a bit, our bodies are getting older, but that doesn’t mean we should stop using them, a sedentary lifestyle is not a healthy or fulfilling lifestyle…
Common Senior Infections
We all live with infections, the common cold, the flu, bronchitis, and many others. And for most of us, those infections last for a few uncomfortable days and then they’re gone. But when a senior is attacked by infection, it’s much more serious
Understanding Senior Health
In today’s world, people are living longer than ever before…but are they living healthier? Living longer isn’t such a great deal if you don’t have your health.
Senior Safety
Unfortunately, well over 2 million elderly are involved in accidents in the home each year, many resulting in death, and the majority of them being attributed to falling. Here are some ideas to help make the home “senior safe”.
Senior Holiday Depression
The holidays are supposed to be a wonderful time of year, but for many seniors, it’s a very difficult time. While people are around them are joyful and happy, seniors often find themselves feeling lonely, unhealthy, isolated and depressed..
Healthy Eating For Seniors
Does eating healthy change when you get older…when you become a senior? Surprisingly, yes it does. If you have basically been eating a healthy diet all, or most of your life, things change – you change.
Pets In Senior Communities
For a senior being asked to move into a senior community, it’s a difficult to impossible thing. But what happens if they have a cat or dog that they love and can’t live without…can they take it with them?
Dementia Behavior Strategies
Dementia can leave a person afraid, angry, paranoid, confused and sad, and can cause them to become aggressive or even violent…how do you deal with challenging situations like that?
Time For Assisted Living
You never thought this day would come, yet here it is…how can you do this and live with the guilt of having put a parent in Assisted Living, certainly you should be able to take care of them like you’d planned. But it’s not as simple as you had thought it would be. Will they […]
Choose a Retirement Community
Whether you’re looking for a retirement community for yourself or an assisted living facility for a senior parent, you certainly don’t want to settle for a place that doesn’t accomodate your desires and needs.