As you grow older, where would you want to live, in a retirement community, with your children, or would you prefer to age in place (live in your own home)? Would that be so bad?
Caring for Someone With Memory Loss
Caring for someone who has memory loss can not only be challenging but very stressful. How can you help them feel loved, respected, and safe? These practical ideas will be very helpful.
Senior Memory Loss
We all forget or lose things once in a while, and some of us have better memories than others…but when a senior begins to forget things, it’s automatically assumed that they have dementia or Alzheimer’s disease – which isn’t necessarily true. And there are things they can do to strengthen their mental function…
Seniors Cant Let Go Of Clutter
For many seniors, letting go of their clutter is like asking the impossible…a couple of months ago, I wrote a blog post on “How to Help a Senior Hoarder”, today I’d like to talk about why they become hoarders…why they just can’t let their stuff go. Hopefully, understanding their reasons might help you help them to […]
Gifts For Senior Parents
Whether it’s birthdays, Mother’s or Father’s Day, Christmas, or any other celebration, if you have a senior parent, you are most likely wondering what gift you can give them…either their home is so full they haven’t got room for anything more, they don’t need anything more, or they are trying to downsize. What gift can […]
Avoid Unpacking Chaos
Moving can be a traumatic experience…yes, it’s exciting to move into a new place, but the packing and physical moving are always followed by unpacking, exhaustion and chaos! But there doesn’t have to be chaos, and here’s how you can avoid it…
Senior Hoarding
Before we talk about helping a senior hoarder, we need to understand, as best we can, what hoarding means and what the hoarded “stuff” means to its owner.
Moving Tips
How many times have you moved, or helped someone else move? How many times have you said or thought – “It would have gone better if this had been done.” Use these tips for a smoother move and transition.
Helping A Senior Move
If a family is local, why do they reach out to a Senior Move Management Company rather than help their senior move themselves?
Protect Seniors Against Fraud
It is unbelievable to me that there are people out there who are so evil that they target seniors with their fraudulent schemes and scams in order to steal their money and/or possessions. Unfortunately, there are many seniors who are more vulnerable and easier prey than others for these con artists, because they are…