As we age, our homes often accumulate a lifetime’s worth of possessions. While many of these items hold sentimental value, too much clutter can create stress, limit mobility, and even pose safety hazards.

As we age, our homes often accumulate a lifetime’s worth of possessions. While many of these items hold sentimental value, too much clutter can create stress, limit mobility, and even pose safety hazards.
For many seniors, letting go of their clutter is like asking the impossible…a couple of months ago, I wrote a blog post on “How to Help a Senior Hoarder”, today I’d like to talk about why they become hoarders…why they just can’t let their stuff go. Hopefully, understanding their reasons might help you help them to […]
Whether it’s birthdays, Mother’s or Father’s Day, Christmas, or any other celebration, if you have a senior parent, you are most likely wondering what gift you can give them…either their home is so full they haven’t got room for anything more, they don’t need anything more, or they are trying to downsize. What gift can […]
Before we talk about helping a senior hoarder, we need to understand, as best we can, what hoarding means and what the hoarded “stuff” means to its owner.
How many times have you moved, or helped someone else move? How many times have you said or thought – “It would have gone better if this had been done.” Use these tips for a smoother move and transition.
If a family is local, why do they reach out to a Senior Move Management Company rather than help their senior move themselves?
Transitioning, relocating, downsizing and moving, can all be overwhelming and challenging, especially for seniors. That is why Smooth Transitions® exists, to help you through these difficult times. That is also why we offer Free Presentations throughout the Phoenix East Valley area.
What is a Senior Move Management Service……and Why Should I Hire One? The decision to downsize is not an easy one, but it’s almost inevitable, and so is the stress of it all. See how a Move Management Service can ease the stress.
Are you looking for a place to sit, a place at the table to eat, or a counter to prepare a meal on? It sounds like it might be a good time to do some decluttering. But where do you begin?
Smooth Transitions
705 N Longmore St
Chandler, AZ 85224
(480) 339-0011