How To Eliminate Stress From Your Senior Move
Happiness doesn’t have just one address.” – Anonymous
Whether you’re moving into a college dorm, your dream house or into a senior community, moving, just by its nature, is stressful.
The idea of downsizing and moving into a senior community can bring many emotions…anticipation and excitement, fear and worry, and so many others, plus there will be a good dose of stress. But, if you take a deep breath, remember that this move will be a fun new adventure, that it will make your life easier, and follow these few simple steps, you can enjoy rather than stress.
How to de-stress your senior move…
- Keep a positive attitude – Remember, no more home maintenance, heavy yardwork, or big mortgage payments…this is about “your time”…”more time”….to make new friends, read more books, start new hobbies, take more bubble baths, go on more walks – enjoy life more.
- Keep good notes – Purchase yourself a notebook that is designated exclusively to the “must do” lists, the deadlines that must be met, and the resources that will make this move easier. You’ll be able to sleep better at night knowing that you’re not forgetting anything.
- Get real – “Rome wasn’t built in a day” and you can’t do all that needs to be done in a day either. Sorting, packing, and downsizing takes time…decide on a reasonable amount of time every day to spend accomplishing these tasks.
Get your children involved – Talk to your adult children and set a time for them to come over and pick up any of their childhood memories that have been left in your care.
- Organize your important documents – From passports, to birth certificates to military records or legal papers of any kind, organize them into one place, so you know where everything is and it doesn’t get misplaced during your move.
- Take care of your prescriptions – transfer your prescriptions to a pharmacy near your new home in advance of your move.
- Talk to the post office – get your mail forwarded to your new home beginning the 1st day you’ll be living there, so you don’t skip a beat.
- Get the plans – most senior communities will have floor plans that include measurements, so you can begin planning your new space…what to bring and where things will fit,
- Enjoy the process – have fun meeting your deadlines, reminiscing about good times, laughing with friends or family who have come to help, and looking forward to your new life.
- Make packing easier – look into enlisting the services of a Senior Move Manager…they are trained to help, they can lighten your load, and make this process so much more pleasant.
We are Certified Senior Move Managers recognized by our National Association of Senior Move Managers, NASMM! We are committed to serving our seniors with a high standard of ethics, best business practices and continuing education to help make whatever transition they are going through a Smooth Transition.
Contact us to learn how we can help you and/or your family cope with a senior downsizing anywhere in the Phoenix East Valley area…we offer a Free consultation.
We would love to serve you. 480-339-0011
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