Tips For Lowering The Risk Of Seniors Falling
You can’t help getting older, but you don’t have to get old.” – George Burns
If you are 65 years or older, you are in the category of one in four Americans who will fall sometime this year. That’s not a very fun statistic, and not something to look forward to.
As a senior, if you take a fall, it could be not only very costly, but it could also be life changing, to the point that it could change whether or not you can remain independent or not.
But it’s not inevitable that you are going to fall, you can reduce your risk and stay on your feet better if you follow these tips…
Fall Prevention Tips:
- Have regular checkups – Seniors should have regular visits with their doctor at least once a year. Let your doctor know if you have fallen and what the circumstances were. Your doctor could give you some valuable advice to keep you from falling again, or even diagnose and treat a physical problem you might have that would cause you to fall in the future.
- Stay active – If you’re not already, start an appropriate exercise program, it doesn’t have to be rigorous, just enough to keep your body moving, which will improve flexibility and balance.
Have your home inspected – Your home may be your castle, but it may also be a dangerous place with hazards that need to be addressed:
- Clutter that may need to be removed to avoid tripping.
- Poor lighting that makes it difficult to see well.
- Area rugs that could trip you up.
- A slippery shower that needs grab bars and a stable chair.
- Pay attention to your balance – If you’re not feeling solid on your feet, talk to your doctor about it. You could be having inner ear problems, which will affect your balance. Your doctor may be able to offer some treatment or suggest exercises that will help improve your balance.
- Know your medications – Some medications cause dizziness, so have your doctor review all medications you take, prescribed and over the counter…he/she might be able to prescribe something different that doesn’t cause dizziness.
- Have your vision checked – Seeing clearly is a key factor in avoiding something that could cause you to trip and fall.
Careful what you wear on your feet – Around the house wear non-slip slippers instead of socks which can slip and slide, and are also dangerous on stairs.
- Eat well – Good nutrition helps promote strong bones and muscle and helps keep a good body weight, all of which can help prevent falling.
- Light up the night – Add nightlights around your home to make it easier to see where you’re going in the middle of the night without having turn on the overhead lights.
- Get a good night’s rest – Feeling rested and alert can help you avoid situations that can cause a bad fall.
We are Certified Senior Move Managers recognized by our National Association of Senior Move Managers, NASMM! We are committed to serving our seniors with a high standard of ethics, best business practices and continuing education to help make whatever transition they are going through a Smooth Transition.
Contact us to learn how we can help you and/or your family with senior downsizing and moving anywhere in the Phoenix East Valley area, additionally we can assist if you are moving out of state.
We offer a Free consultation.
We would love to serve you. 480-339-0011
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