Do you find yourself trying to balance your professional responsibilities, your personal life, along with the complex needs of your aging parents?

Do you find yourself trying to balance your professional responsibilities, your personal life, along with the complex needs of your aging parents?
For seniors, maintaining an active lifestyle isn’t just about physical fitness; it’s the key to overall well-being that encompasses physical, mental, and emotional health. So what makes staying active such a vital part of senior life?
As our parents age, the roles we once played begin to shift. Just as they once cared for us, the time may come when we need to consider their well-being and ensure they receive the support they require…
Ways To Help Improve Mental Health In Seniors By the time you’re 80 years old you’ve learned everything. You only have to remember it.” – George Burns Just when you think life should be getting a bit easier, it has a funny way of changing things up on you. As you age, your mental health […]
As we age, often we find that our strength, our balance and coordination decline. But it doesn’t need to be that way… we can maintain or improve with these healthy tips…
Everyone, from time to time, experiences stress in life, even as we become seniors. Learn what’s causing your stress, and begin to manage it with these tips.
The holidays are supposed to be a wonderful time of year, but for many seniors, it’s a very difficult time. While people are around them are joyful and happy, seniors often find themselves feeling lonely, unhealthy, isolated and depressed..
Does eating healthy change when you get older…when you become a senior? Surprisingly, yes it does. If you have basically been eating a healthy diet all, or most of your life, things change – you change.
Whether you’re looking for a retirement community for yourself or an assisted living facility for a senior parent, you certainly don’t want to settle for a place that doesn’t accomodate your desires and needs.
As you grow older, where would you want to live, in a retirement community, with your children, or would you prefer to age in place (live in your own home)? Would that be so bad?
Smooth Transitions
705 N Longmore St
Chandler, AZ 85224
(480) 339-0011