As our population moves toward their senior years, the need for senior care becomes increasingly greater. And paying for senior care can be a challenge for families and put a real strain on their budgets.

As our population moves toward their senior years, the need for senior care becomes increasingly greater. And paying for senior care can be a challenge for families and put a real strain on their budgets.
As our parents age, the roles we once played begin to shift. Just as they once cared for us, the time may come when we need to consider their well-being and ensure they receive the support they require…
Many people are unaware of the variety of options that are available for Senior Living…they think that once you retire, reach a certain age or leave your home, the only choice you have is to go into a nursing home…but in today’s world there is soooo much more!
Unfortunately, well over 2 million elderly are involved in accidents in the home each year, many resulting in death, and the majority of them being attributed to falling. Here are some ideas to help make the home “senior safe”.
For a senior being asked to move into a senior community, it’s a difficult to impossible thing. But what happens if they have a cat or dog that they love and can’t live without…can they take it with them?
You never thought this day would come, yet here it is…how can you do this and live with the guilt of having put a parent in Assisted Living, certainly you should be able to take care of them like you’d planned. But it’s not as simple as you had thought it would be. Will they […]
Whether you’re looking for a retirement community for yourself or an assisted living facility for a senior parent, you certainly don’t want to settle for a place that doesn’t accomodate your desires and needs.
If a family is local, why do they reach out to a Senior Move Management Company rather than help their senior move themselves?
What do you imagine when you think of living in a senior or retirement community? A bunch of “old” people sitting on a porch in rocking chairs? Whoa…that’s not the life for you! You’re still healthy, independent and active, you want more than that. Everyone has a different idea of what they want from retirement living, […]
Smooth Transitions
705 N Longmore St
Chandler, AZ 85224
(480) 339-0011