Seniors can’t always go on vacation or little trips, but they can, and should go on little day outings…And summer is the perfect time for seniors to get out, enjoy the sunshine, and create lasting memories.

Seniors can’t always go on vacation or little trips, but they can, and should go on little day outings…And summer is the perfect time for seniors to get out, enjoy the sunshine, and create lasting memories.
For most of us, the holidays are a very special time of year, as we look forward to time with friends and enjoying family traditions. But if your loved one has moved into a Senior Living Community, how will it look?
As we approach the holidays, or any other time of year when you like to remember the special people in your life with a gift, it is often difficult to find the right gift for someone who is memory impaired.
So many seniors move into senior living communities each year…is this your year? Maybe you have already made the move…are you happy? If you’re not, these tips will certainly help your become so…
Transitioning, relocating, downsizing and moving, can all be overwhelming and challenging, especially for seniors. That is why Smooth Transitions® exists, to help you through these difficult times. That is also why we offer Free Presentations throughout the Phoenix East Valley area.
My client used to teach woodworking and in an attempt to get one of his student’s attention to stop smoking, he made this really cool gadget.
Smooth Transitions
705 N Longmore St
Chandler, AZ 85224
(480) 339-0011